Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Big Picture

It is easy for people to often get wrapped up in the politics of their individual, personal beliefs when it comes to a subject they are passionate about. Passion is the driving force that catapults ideas into fruition, and therefore, a very important catalyst in fueling what rescuers do best; save lives.
The unfortunate side to passion is that often our judgments can be clouded by our emotions, the same way that love can make us, as they say, blind.
The key to seeing the big picture, (what we are all in this together for), is bridling our passion in a positive way and saddling up with partners who are in the good fight for the same reason.
Put down your guns, your politics, your angry words. Humans are unique in the sort that we are all different from one another. Boring and uneventful will be the day that we all share the exact same perspectives.  Instead of criticizing the differences amongst each other, harness the reality that mountains are moved by joint efforts, not a pack of chiefs trying to bark operational orders at the same time.
Rescue efforts should resemble non-discriminatory employee handbook policies in the sense that partnerships should not be based on race, color, sex, religion, nationality, nor an “I know better than you” attitude.
Be willing to learn from others and be ever diligent in broadening your horizons, whether you are nineteen, or ninety. Hold your hands out in honor to receive knowledge from others and humbly share yours in gratuitous return.

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